In Washington, DC, in the Museum of
Natural History, there is a diamond called the Hope Diamond. It is a vivid,
dark-blue diamond that weighs 45.52 carats. According to geologists, it is a
diamond without equal in all the world. It was found in the 1600's and weighed
over 112 carats when it was dug from the earth in India. It is considered to be
priceless. It is said to be a matchless diamond. However, there may be another,
larger, more valuable stone lying buried in the ground. To say the Hope Diamond
is matchless is to presume on the unknown.
Michael Jordan is called the
greatest basketball player of all time. It is said that there will never be
another as great as he is. He is declared to be matchless in his sport.
However, somewhere on some playground, or in some school gymnasium there may be
a youngster who will shatter all the records Jordan has ever amassed. To say
that he is matchless is also a stretch of the imagination. Albert Einstein is said to be the
greatest thinker the world has ever known. He pondered concepts so deep that we
could never begin to grasp. His has been called a matchless intellect. However,
who is to say that somewhere in this world today there isn't a child whose mind
is so sharp and whose brilliance will dwarf even that of Einstein?
The truth is, nothing in this world is
matchless. Everything can be equaled or bettered by mankind. However, there is
One who will never be
equaled or bettered. His name is Jesus! In Mark 4:35-41, the disciples are
crossing the Sea of Galilee when a storm arises. Jesus is asleep in the boat
and the Disciples feel that they are going to die. They awake Jesus and He
spoke to the storm the waves and the winds surrendered at His feet as if they
were docile lambs. His Disciples saw this great miracle and asked a question
that declares His greatness. They acclaimed, what manner of
man is this?
Throughout His life, the story is
the same. Everywhere Jesus went, men marveled and stood amazed at His
greatness. When He was just an infant, Mary and Joseph "marveled" at
what was spoken of Jesus, Luke 2:33; His enemies "marveled" at His
wisdom and doctrine, John 7:15. His Disciples "marveled" at His
compassion and love for sinners, John 4:27. The multitudes
"marveled" at His power to heal, Mark 2:12; Matt. 9:8, 33. His
enemies "marveled" at His word, John 7:46. His executioner
"marveled" at the greatness of Jesus Christ. Things haven't changed!
Jesus is still amazing all those who come to Him by faith. To say He can be equaled is an
understatement. He will never be equaled! He will never be bettered! He will
always remain the matchless One.