Friday, 15 July 2016

Faith that Believers should have

Introduction: Faith is not the Good work that we can do, but rather it is a, great and precious gift from God Himself. He gives faith in the heart of a person who is rightly related to Him through Jesus Christ. We are called believers because we received the gift of faith from above. However, the situations we face, trials we go through prevents us from having absolute faith in Him. Therefore it is good for us to check time to time to know what type of faith we have in Him. Let’s spend few minutes to know what type of faith that we have in Him right now
  1. No faith: The disciples had faith in Jesus when everything was normal. But in Mark 4:35-41, we read about their encounter with storm. When situation went out of control they had no faith in Jesus and asked Jesus “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” (v. 38). The question revealed their lack of trust in God. Accordingly, Christ responded, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (v. 40). Like them, when we question whether or not God cares about us at all, we demonstrate our lack of faith.
  2. Little faith: We see this weak trust in God demonstrated in Matthew 16:5-10. The Pharisees and Sadducees had asked Jesus for signs. Similarly, the disciples too refused to have full faith in Jesus even after seeing Jesus feed 5,000 people and then 4,000 more (vv. 9-10). Because, they were still concerned about their physical provision. Often, we too have little faith when we are focused only on signs and earthly worries instead of learning the greater spiritual principles God wants to teach us.
  3. Failing faith. Jesus prophesied that Peter would experience a faith failure (Luke 22:31-32). In other words, there are forces challenging our faith, and sometimes we will fail to trust God. But even when we do, we are welcome to return to the Lord and seek His forgiveness. Our heavenly Father will even allow us to teach others about His unfailing faithfulness.
  4. Great faith: When Jesus met the centurion, it became the perfect opportunity to teach the disciples about great faith (Matt. 8:5-8). The centurion didn’t need signs or evidence of Christ’s power. This is the reason why Jesus said, “I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel” (v. 10). Like him, when we take Christ at His word and trust Him so completely that we don’t require proof that He will fulfill His promises to us, we exhibit great faith.

Conclusion: Friends, what type of faith that we have in Jesus? Do we have great faith in Him? Let’s examine the obstacles that prevent us from having great faith in Him. If we have strong faith, He can entrust us with assignments that will have a greater impact for His kingdom.

Yours in His service

G. Paul Raj 

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