Tuesday, 22 December 2015

The rising sun will come to us from heaven Luke 1:78

Luke chapter 1 is filled with divine wonders and miracles. Angel Gabriel appeared to Zacharias and to Mary to tell them about the birth of John and Messiah. Zacharias became speechless because he had doubted the words of angel. Later, his speech was restored in obedience to the command of the angel Vs: 63-64.  When his speech was restored Zacharias lifted his voice and glorified God. In this incredible paragraph of praise Vs: 67-79, Zacharias prophesised about the coming Messiah and pictured Him as “Dayspring” which means “Sunrise” Vs: 75. Zacharias has rightly named Him “Dayspring” as He makes His rays shine upon the world trapped in darkness.

The careful study of Vs: 78-79 helps us to understand about three areas of our life that can be transformed dramatically by the rays of Heaven’s Sunrise. First, Sunrise shone in our darkness that we may have peace with God, and we no longer abide in the darkness of this world. The Sunrise transformed the darkness in our lives into light. He has called us out of darkness into His wonderful light that we may declare the praises of Him 1 Peter 2:9Second, Zacharias tells us here that Jesus came to bring His light into the very shadow of death. Jesus conquered death on our behalf therefore we believers do not need to fear death, 1 Corinthians 15:53-58. For a believer death is nothing but a doorway through which we pass from this world into the presence of the Lord in Heaven. If we are in Jesus, if the Rays of Heaven’s Sunrise shone in our lives, certainly death has no claim on us. Jesus the Sunrise conquered death for us eternally. Third, Zacharias says that the Rays of Heaven’s Sunrise shines to direct our feet into the path of peace. When we were in darkness we didn’t know how to walk in accordance God and His righteousness. We were left to our own devices; we merely tend to wander farther away from God, Isaiah 53:6. But when we are saved, when the Rays of Sunshine shone upon us, the Lord gave us a heart to follow Him, His Spirit within us to guide us, and He gave us His perfect Word to teach us of His ways and of His will for our lives. Bible is the blessed Word of God that will never lead the saint of God astray, instead that will ever supply the guidance needed to get us safely home to Heaven, Psalm 119:105.

Dear friends, I don't know where this message finds you. In darkness, afraid of the future, or unsure about today, but I know that where ever you are, there is help, and there is hope in the Person of Heaven's Sunrise! Let us allow the rays of Heaven’s Sunrise to shine in all the areas of our life. Let our light shine before men that they may glorify our Father who is in heaven.   

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