Saturday, 29 December 2012

About Believers Community Development Church

Humanity has existed for thousands of years, yet we are just now beginning to experience a new kind of community—the slum community. As people continue to migrate away from rural areas and into cities, cities that are growing to devour the land around it, the numbers of people living in slums, shanty towns and "informal settlements" are skyrocketing. Thus the Urban slums are the catch-basins for the poor and vulnerable of a city and nation. The rural poor, AIDS orphans, laborers and refugees pour into these makeshift towns and then they become their home. It is shocking to know that more than half of the Indian population will live in urban areas by 2020 and nearly one third of this urban population will be slum dwellers.
BCDC – An Indigenous Missionary Movement
To save the perishing souls from the bondage and to lead them into the Kingdom of God, BCDC (Believers Community Development Church) was started in the year 2010. BCDC is not a church but an Indigenous Missionary Movement registered with the Government of India under Religious Trust Act. Since we also involve in Church planting ministries, the word church is used here to avoid any legal non-compliance issues.     
Ministry Methods
In our missionary endeavor we consider all age groups unique and important. According to God’s guidance and Spirit’s leading we employ various approaches to reach these age groups. Personal evangelism is our first and foremost method to reach out individuals with the salvific message of the Gospel. Apart from personal evangelism we also employ door to door evangelism to reach out to the families. Furthermore, weekly Children Bible Schools play vital role to lead hundreds of children to the knowledge of Christ. Apart from above mentioned methods we also employ family counseling, youth counseling and academic tuition centers to develop the spiritual as well as physical life of the slum dwellers.
The Lord’s doings
Since BCDC is a new born Missionary Movement, four missionaries are doing evangelistic work in the 12 slums in a three different states 3 slums in Bangalore (Karnataka) 4 slums in Bhubaneswar (Orissa) and 5 slums in Ahmadabad (Gujarat). God has helped us to form two prayer fellowships in Bangalore slum; more than hundred baptized believers are participating in the weekly worships from these two slums. Through this ministry hundreds have tasted the love of God and many have liberated from drug addiction, impure lifestyle, satanic bondages such as witchcraft, evil possession and many other sinful ways.
Our Vision   
Our Vision is to establish God’s Kingdom in all the state capital cities of India. As of now (2012) we have our mission fields in Karnataka, Odisha formerly known as Orissa and in Ahmadabad. BCDC is in need of your prayer and financial support to materialize our Lord’s great commission in the remaining capital cities of Indian states.
Your Participation
BCDC is keenly looking forward committed people to support this ministry who are not only willing to give financial support but also to give their physical and spiritual support. Therefore whoever supports this ministry is have an open invitation to visit our mission fields at any point of time and to take part in all the mission activities.
The Source
We look to God the provider to meet our every single need. We would like to have committed believers who are lead by the Spirit of God to support us. Our need is great thus we still looking forward to God fearing people to support this ministry. Your sacrificial financial support can be sent by Cheque/ draft drawn in favor of Believers Community Development Church, Bangalore. Your online transaction can be made to the following bank address. Bank: State Bank of India, Kacharakanahalli (Bangalore) Branch, A/C No: 32420628496, A/C Name: Believers Community Development Church, IFS Code: SBIN 0007988.   For further details please contact (0) 9611263688, 8050992687, E-mail,,  

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