Thursday, 9 May 2013

Where can God be found?

G. Pauraj

Finding God is a difficult task for many people in this world; the haughty heart and the simple mind prevent the people to find the place where God dwells. Since the world came into existence people of bright minds don’t bother to believe God, because they try to find God through their scientific observations and twisted logic of creation.

The futile Thought
The renowned physicist, British Stephen Hawking in his book “The Grand Design” argues that God did not create the Universe and the Big Bang theory made it happened for all things to exist. There are many like Stephen who deliberately denies God’s existence. Russian astronaut Valery Bykovsky told newsmen in 1963 that no Soviet cosmonaut believed in God and none of them had seen anything to change their minds during their space flights. Rather than being dazzled by the marvels of the Universe and acknowledging God as the great Creator, the minds of human beings are filled with the thoughts of atheism. Paul’s words form a sad commentary on the transition that has transpired: For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools (Romans 1:20-22, emp. added).

Longing for Signs and Wisdom
During the time of Apostle Paul the Jews on one hand tried to find God and His salvation through signs and wonders the Greeks on the other hand tried to find God and His salvation through knowledge. Apostle Paul replied to them God and His salvation can’t be found anywhere except on the Cross of Calvary where Atonement for our sins was performed once for all by Jesus the Son of God for all. It is a clear proof that no human being can find God through his or her intellectual power or inventions. God and His salvation can be found only when we humble ourselves before His cross where He emptied Himself for our sake that our souls may be filled with His salvation and with His heavenly riches.

God can be found in the believing Heart
The wise men in the Bible tried to find Jesus in the King’s palace but they couldn’t find the Savior in the palace. They found the Savior in the manger likewise today many in this world try to find Jesus in a wrong place. Word of God says “The Kingdom of God is in you” yes God establishes His kingdom in us in our heart. Or on other words God establishes His kingdom in the believing heart.

"Tomorrow morning I'll open up your heart" the surgeon said to the 8 year-old-boy. "You'll find Jesus there," the boy said. The surgeon continued, "I'll open your heart and check the damage." "You'll find Jesus there," the boy said. "When I see the damage, I will suture you back up and then think about the next step," said the surgeon. "You will find Jesus in my heart because my Sunday school teacher told me so. She said it says so in the Bible. Besides that, our Sunday school songs say He lives there," said the boy. The surgery took place the next day. After the surgery the surgeon began to make notes of what he found. In his mind there was no hope and no cure. The little boy would die within a matter of months. The thought began to get to the doctor and all of a sudden the doctor shouted to God, "Why did you do this to the boy? Why can't he live a normal life?" God spoke to the surgeon's heart and said, "The boy is a part of my flock and will always be a part of my flock. When he is with me there will be no more suffering and pain. He will have comfort and peace. One day his parents as well as you will join him and my flock will continue to grow." The next day the surgeon went to the boy's room and sat down with the parents beside the bed.  In a moment or two, the boy opened his eyes and asked very quietly, "What did you find in my heart?" With tears flowing down his cheeks, the surgeon said, "I found Jesus there."

God can be found in the poor spirit
In Matthew 5:3 we "Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” When confess before God that we are destitute, without resource, weak and powerless and spiritually bankrupt. Then we invite God to reveal His salvation and to bless us with spiritual and physical blessings. Our being poor in spirit is the recognition of our spiritual need that causes us to cry out to God for what He can and will supply. This same recognition also motivates us to think about God from the proper perspective, causing us to give Him praise and thanksgiving. It forces us to see Him for what He is and what He has and makes us long to be the same, just as the financially poor see and desire to be like the rich. Humbling ourselves before God forces us to evaluate ourselves honestly against God. He is the exemplar of every good characteristic, the possessor of intelligence, wisdom, and power of such capacity that He can produce us and every other good and beautiful thing needed for a wonderful, abundant life.

He can be found on the Cross
The Centurion under the cross found the Savior and openly confessed “Truly this man was the Son of God” (Mark 15:39). This Centurion had presided over many crucifixions. But no other man had died with “a shout of victory.” The Centurion was convinced. Christ’s enemies had been wrong! He himself had been wrong! Looking up at the dead body of Jesus on the Cross, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of God” (Mark 15:39). Tradition tells us that this centurion’s name was Longinus, who continued to follow Jesus in faith and that he even died a martyr. If that story is true, then one day we’ll get to meet him. That’s because the Son of God bled and died to pay for the sins of the world.

We will find Him if only we come under His cross, but drawing nearer to cross cost a lot you need to give up your pride, status and you need to realize who you are and you need to confess who He is. The centurion did the same under the cross he realized who he was and confessed who He was. Are you ready give up your pride, ego and your status in order to find the Savior and to receive your Salvation in Him.  Through faith in him all sinners receive forgiveness, the freedom to live beyond the chains of sin, death, and the devil, and, ultimately, a fully furnished, eternal home in heaven.

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