is neither the answer book to know our curiosity nor the book of suggestion for
success rather it is an inspired Word of God which speaks with God’s authority.
God has given His word first of all to
reveal Himself and His love to the fallen Human kind. It also reveals us the
fact how God actively involved in human history to save us that we may live in
His presence without any guilt forever and ever.
Warren says in this way “God gave us the Bible to transform us, not simply
inform us. It should give us a bigger heart, not a bigger head”. God makes his purpose for the Bible even more
explicit in 2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful
to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It
corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it
to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.” (NLT) The purpose of
Bible is more than just showing us what is wrong in our lives or how we should
live; God gave us His Word to radically transform our lives. He further adds
that The Bible describes itself in different ways. For example, it calls itself
a hammer, a sword, and a scalpel. All of those are tools designed to make
radical changes. God intends for the Bible to dramatically change our lives.
the above two paragraphs we learned the purpose why the Lord has given us His
word to us. The purpose of this article is not to know the purpose why God has
given His word but to know how God preserved His precious words down through
the centuries to make know His will to our generations and to the generations
to come if He delays His Second coming. God has supernaturally protected His word through many
reproductions and translations. The idea
of preservation holds that God has faithfully superintended His Word down
through the ages, so that even today, some 3,500 years after portions of the Bible
were written down, we can say that what we possess, what we love and what we
read are the very words of God!
However here I would like to tell you
another fact you can’t go anywhere in this world and find a scrap of paper
containing the actual writings of Paul, John, Moses, Peter, James, Daniel,
Isaiah or any of the other biblical writers. It doesn't give any base for
anyone to doubt the integrity of the Bible. Because the inspired Word of God
can be decisively proven by using both the internal evidence of the Bible
itself and the external sources of historical and scientific evidence, it can
also be proven that the Bible has been divinely preserved down to this very
day. With that in mind, let’s take some
time to explore the way how God preserved His Word in History by His power.
God’s Miraculous Preservation
Various efforts were taken by the enemy
to destroy God’s inspired word for example in Jeremiah 36:1-32 we read that God
gave His word to prophet Jeremiah to write a portion of the Word of God. Jeremiah
carefully wrote down the words as he was commanded by the Lord. He then took
that to king Jehoiakim and asked him to listen God’s word. King received illumination from the Lord but
he not only deliberately rejected the message but also cut it into pieces and
burned it Jeremiah 36:23. Jehoiakim
apparently thought that he would destroy the written word and will erase what
the Lord had said by the prophet. However, God’s word is settled, not on earth,
but in Heaven, Psa. 119:89. God merely
sent His word again through the prophet Jeremiah, Jer. 36:28. Despite the actions of Jehoiakim, God
preserved His Word! That is just one small picture of what God has always done
in regard to protecting and preserving His Word down through the ages.
Let us further explore how God
preserved His word in the midst of several concerted efforts taken by pagan
unbelievers to eradicate the Word of God down through the centuries.
- ·In A.D. 303, the Roman emperor Diocletion ordered the confiscation and destruction of all the Christian scriptures. Thousands of early copies and possibly some original autographs were burned. However, the Word of God was not eradicated! Earnest believers protected the Word and hid it away in the catacombs, in caves and in graves. Thus the Word of God survived that attack!
- The French humanist Voltaire once said, "Another century and there will not be a Bible on the earth." Two centuries have gone, and the circulation of the Bible is one of the marvels of the age. After he died, his old printing press and the very house where he lived was purchased by the Geneva Bible Society and made a depot for Bibles. On December 24, 1933, the British Government bought a book called Codex Sinaiticus from the Russians for half a million dollars. On the same day, a first edition of Voltaire's work sold for eleven cents in Paris bookshops.
- Joseph Stalin took over all of Russia upon the death of Lenin in the late twenties. From this point on until his death in the fifties, Stalin instituted a "ban the Bible" purge from the U.S.S.R. such as had never been witnessed before. The miserable man literally attempted to wipe the Word of God and the God of the Word from the Russian people’s minds. Did he succeed? A recent poll taken in Russia shows that today more people than ever believe in God and His Word.
In 1526, William Tyndale had produced the first English translation of
the Bible to be
printed on a printing press. This new
version was hated by the Roman Catholic Church and in particularly by the
Bishop of London. A certain man named John Packington, who knew the Bishop and
his hatred of the Tyndale translation, but who was also secretly a friend of
Tyndale, went to the Bishop of London and told him he knew how to get all of
Tyndale’s Bibles. The Bishop told him to
get them and that he would gladly pay whatever they cost. The Bishop of London promised to buy them with
the intention of burning them a Paul’s Cross Cathedral in London. Packington when to Tyndale and told him of
the deal he had made with the Bishop.
Tyndale responded by saying that he knew the Bishop would burn his
Bibles. However, printing the Bibles had
left Tyndale deeply indebted. Tyndale
decided to sell the Bibles to the Bishop of London. He saw several advantages in doing so. First,
he could use the money to pay his way out of debt and have even more Bibles
printed. Secondly, when the people of England saw the Bishop of London
burning the Word of God they would become enraged. So, the enemy of the Word of God actually
allowed Tyndale to pay off his debts, correct the text of his translation and
print three times the number of Bibles that had been destroyed! Later, when
some of Tyndale’s associates were arrested and asked where they received the
money to print their Bibles, they answered that the money came from the Bishop
of London. This one instance is proof that God is able to preserve His Word
despite the attempts of all its enemies to destroy it.
For thousands of years the enemies of
truth have sought to destroy the precious Word of God. Every attempt to do so has failed miserably
as the Bible continues to be read and loved by millions of people. Therefore
dear friends we can trust God’s Word. All of it is faithful, righteous, and
true (vv. 86, 138, 140, 151, 160). It doesn’t change with the times (vv. 89,
152). One of the amazing things about the Bible is that it speaks with
practical relevance to every culture in every period of history. The answers to
all the problems we face today are in the Bible, because it speaks God’s truth
to our human condition, which has not changed over the centuries.
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