Pain and sufferings often prevent
us from trusting God and in His sovereignty. The unanswered prayers, loss of
our near ones and dear ones, terrible tragedies in life creates doubts about
His existence. But, God’s faithful in the Bible and in the History of
Christianity had found pleasure and divine purpose behind their pain. Affliction
enabled Psalmist to learn more of God’s Law. Or in other words it is his
affliction that prevented Psalmist from going astray (Psalms 119:71). Apostle
Paul learned God’s grace is greater than his weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Prophet Jeremiah’s outward affliction and inward turmoil that led him toward
despair caused him to praise “God’s
Faithfulness (Lamentations 3: 19-24). Polycarp the bishop of Smyrna (155 A.D.) converted
his martyrdom at stake as pulpit to proclaim 86 years of God’s goodness in his
life. The believers in the primitive Church wanted to be more than conquerors
in all their sufferings rather than being separated from Christ’s love (Romans
Here is an another inspiring
story from the life of Christian faithful believer and prominent hymn writer Annie
Johnson Flint who wrote her famous hymn "He Giveth More Grace" and
many inspiring poems dealing with faith and triumph in time of life’s trials
and sufferings. Anne had lost both parents before she was six years old. The
sisters were brought up by the childless Christian couple, the Flints, who
adopted them. After high school, she spent one year in teacher training and had
a position offered to her. Later in her second year of teaching, she begun to
suffer arthritis. She was forced to give up her job due to the severity of arthritis.
The death of both of her adoptive parents within a few months of each other
left Annie and her sister alone again. The twice-orphaned children had come to
a real “Red Sea place” in their lives. However, God had purpose behind her
sufferings. God used broken-hearted Flint to comfort thousands of broken
hearted for His glory.
Therefore, dear friends
let’s consider suffering in our Christian life as beneficial. Gold needs fire to be
purified, iron needs heat to be straightened, and clay needs to be trampled to
become a usable and honorable vessel. As we read about Abraham, Joseph, Moses,
David, and even our Lord, we realize that God has a purpose in trials. God
fulfills His purposes as we trust Him. Certainly, Satan cannot overcome the
Christian who knows his Bible and understands the purposes of God.
Yours in His service
G. Paul Raj
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