Saturday, 12 August 2017

The Biblical Lifestyle (Ephesians 4: 25-32): Devotional Thought from Church History.

Spiritual and god fearing lifestyle would bring many to Christ. Whereas our ungodly and contentious lifestyle would certainly be a stumbling block for one’s salvation. Therefore, Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4: 25-32 exhorted believers to be distinctive in the areas of Morality (V: 25), Moods (V: 26-27), Money (V: 28), Mouths (V: 29-30), Manners (V: 31-32).

John of Monte Corvino the Franciscan was the first Catholic missionary to China in 1289. He worked largely in the Mongol tongue, translated the New Testament and the book of Psalms and had baptized 6000 converts. His successor Blessed Odoric arrived China in 1326 his 16 years faithful hard work had brought 20,000 converts to the Church.  But, the soar relationship, argument and contention between the Franciscan Friars and Nestorians (open this link to know Nestorianism had slowdown the growth of the Church at that time in China.  The other notable Roman Catholic missionary to China was Matteo Ricci the Jesuit (1552 – 1610). He de-westernized himself completely, learned Chinese language, culture and Confucianism one of China’s major religions thoroughly. He worked among the educated and elite people in China.  His work among them had brought 2000 genuine Chinese believers to Christian faith. But, the other Roman Catholic missionaries like Franciscans, Dominicans and Augustinians envied the growing success of the Jesuits. They carried the case to Rome and the Jesuits appealed to the Chinese emperor their supporter. Finally, missionaries’ attack on each other made the emperor to expel all the missionaries from China.

Can you imagine the impact we would have in our society if we lived according to the Biblical lifestyle? The lifestyle of Righteous and faithful would heal the frictions in our families and society, and that, would bring many to Christ and to His salvation. But, the contentious and argumentative lifestyle would cause great damage to our families, society and to Christ’s Church. Let’s pray to God, “Holy Spirit take control of my life make me the kind of person you want me to be”. Amen.

Yours in His service

G. Paul Raj 

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